Sometimes it's beneficial to communicate to your team if you're trying to line up a shot on someone, because in a Team-Shot or All-Shot environment, sometimes damage from one weapon can cause another weapon to municating is beneficial in these circumstances, and you can do that publicly to the room or you can whisper to your teammates. Individual Shot rooms take longer at a more relaxed, controlled pace.

In Team settings, a lobby can dictate if tanks are going to shoot one at a time, or if teams shoot together at once, or if everyone shoots at the same time. Don't be surprised if some bloviating nutsack takes it personally if you neighborshoot in a Free For All. If you play it in Free For All, there's a common unspoken rule in the community about "No Neighborshooting" in Deathmatches, because that's just seen as rude and cheap to them. Games can be played Free For All or with Teams. Wind isn't worth it in my opinion, unless you're just trying to switch it up and do something a little different or more challenging. There are some that argue that having High Wind in a game means "More XP" but you're actually losing more XP than you're gaining from the bonus because of the shots you're missing or incomplete shots that would benefit from standing still over a target now moved askew by wind. The wind can be set to low, medium, or high, and each have their respective XP bonus at the end of the match. There's an option for Wind which can effect how certain shots behave, but not all. From 5 turn quick games to 30 turn long games. Or you can play for Points- every tank is invincible, armor is an unseen factor that reduces the damage a shot will make on you, and the game's length is determined by turns. You can either play in Deathmatches where each tank has HP represented in a red health bar, and Armor represented just above it with a blue armor bar. You also can't kick players out in mid-game if you're the host, which would've saved some headaches with particularly abusive or griefing players before they could screw over their team past a point of no-return. They can rejoin over and over and over again and you'll have to kick them manually every time. You can't report people, and you can't block them from entering rooms if you're trying to kick them out and keep them out. You can mute them, but you can't mute their ability to ping the map with markers, arrows, and visual clutter. Lots of racists, homophobes, and toxic idiots permeate the chat. The community is still the worst part about it.
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All of the XP progress you've made is kept, even the upgrade points put into your tank, but you're unlocking your arsenal all over again, which is challenging starting off as a rookie flanked by high level, high weapon-toting tanks all around you. There are 10 weapons, and if you prestige further than that, you're showing off. Prestige rank! Once at level 50, you're given the option to start over at level 1, and climb through the ranks to gain access to powerful Prestige weapons.

I was at a great position to level up into the levelcap at 50.īut there are new tricks! Emblems next to certain names showed a number within a diamond.

I had left off my progress on this game at level 37, and it remembered all of the progress I had made- the weapons I had leveled up with experience, the custom tank I had unlocked with accumulated Tank Coins, and the stats I had divvied into Fuel, Traction, Armor, and Luck. I was a level-capped veteran in Shellshock 1, and right off the bat, it allows you to cash in on that experience when you start anew in this version. Something I had discovered a few months ago when I picked this game up for the first time in several years. It makes no sense that the game forces you to delete older friends to make room for new ones. Though it's frustrating that there is a "Friends Cap" of 12 player profiles.

A diverse community with a friends system in-game that reaches globally to other players who are logged in from many different websites, like ArmorGames and the like. 6 years later, it's still an addictive and active romp. Shellshock 2 is an impressive sequel by all accounts.